What does it help?

What does it help?

Mindfulness Stretching benefits the psychological and physiological person.

By toning the vagus nerve and calming the parasympathetic nervous system Mindfulness Stretching helps us access our best self.  The brain closely monitors the environmental stress perceived by the body (via the vagus nerve), by down-ramping the state of the vagus nerve we disrupt a significant stress feed-back loop.

The Relaxation Stretching method is simply marvellous for relieving the chronic aches and pains that come from sedentary life patterns and from ageing in general. It is super safe as the stretch is achieved as a relaxation rather than an effortful force.  We follow and enhance the body’s natural pattern of a slight relaxation on every exhaling breath.

Mindfulness Stretching has specific elements designed to reduce sciatic pain as well as pains in the neck, arms, lower back, shoulders, hip flexors, psoas muscles, and calves. The hip flexors are particularly susceptible to shortening when sedentary, which can lead to lower back and/or hip pain.

Come and try our mindfulness stretching classes in Canberra or stream my prerecorded video series.



Mindfulness StretchingTM  is a continuously developing practice.  With continuous change at the margin of the practice it has changed significantly over the last 15 years.  The component elements of the practice are frequently delivered in slightly different ways to determine where there is a more satisfactory method.  This provides both the teacher and the long term participants with new elements to keep us interested.