Classes for all ages and levels of fitness

Classes for all ages and levels of fitness

CalmBeing’s Mindfulness Stretching classes and workshops encourage relaxation, body connection, wellbeing and sleep in a gentle and accumulative way. From the first session, participants find it brings mental and emotional calm and a sense of inner quietness. Mindfulness is built through focusing the mind on the sensations within the body as the stretch gently develops. Almost immediately the mind settles as the brain enters the alpha/theta brainwave state.

Stretching Classes run in 10 week blocks. They are suitable for all levels of fitness and can accommodate most physical aches and ailments. CalmBeing offers Mindfulness StretchingTM classes in community venues in Canberra, in corporate settings and provides teacher training for those interested to bring calm into the lives of others. 

Not sure where to start?

Try our stand alone classes here


What does it help?

What does it help?

Mindfulness Stretching benefits the psychological and physiological person.

By toning the vagus nerve and calming the parasympathetic nervous system Mindfulness Stretching helps us access our best self.  The brain closely monitors the environmental stress perceived by the body (via the vagus nerve), by down-ramping the state of the vagus nerve we disrupt a significant stress feed-back loop.

The Relaxation Stretching method is simply marvellous for relieving the chronic aches and pains that come from sedentary life patterns and from ageing in general. It is super safe as the stretch is achieved as a relaxation rather than an effortful force.  We follow and enhance the body’s natural pattern of a slight relaxation on every exhaling breath.

Mindfulness Stretching has specific elements designed to reduce sciatic pain as well as pains in the neck, arms, lower back, shoulders, hip flexors, psoas muscles, and calves. The hip flexors are particularly susceptible to shortening when sedentary, which can lead to lower back and/or hip pain.

Come and try our mindfulness stretching classes in Canberra or stream my prerecorded video series.



Mindfulness StretchingTM  is a continuously developing practice.  With continuous change at the margin of the practice it has changed significantly over the last 15 years.  The component elements of the practice are frequently delivered in slightly different ways to determine where there is a more satisfactory method.  This provides both the teacher and the long term participants with new elements to keep us interested.

Sleep Clinic Canberra Workshops & Classes by CalmBeing

Sleep Clinic Canberra Workshops & Classes by CalmBeing


#sleep clinic Canberra workshops by CalmBeing.

A good night’s sleep is just as important as regular exercise and nutrition. Despite this fact, we live in a sleep deprived society. Over the past decade, both sleep quality and quantity have declined. Many people regularly get poor sleep at least 2-3 times a week or become chronic insomniacs. Quest for Life Foundation listed most common issues with sleep 1:

  • Getting off to sleep
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Staying asleep
  • Getting back to sleep after waking
  • Chronic insomnia
  • Disrupted sleep due to shift work, trauma, grief, anxiety, babies in the house, pain, medication, snoring, apnoea, discomfort, mental health issues

Research shows that poor sleep has immediate effects on your physical and mental condition. If you want to function well, getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most important things you can do.

Regular mindfulness stretching classes are a great way to improve the quality of your sleep. In addition to that, time to time we run “Sleep clinic Canberra Workshops” in various venues across Canberra.

A fully relaxed body sleeps better!

Our regular stretching classes and sleep workshops provide real sleep aid. We have crafted and refined our stretching techniques over the past 10 years with up to 8 hours teaching and 100 participants weekly.

Mindfulness stretching classes and weekly sleep clinic workshops that we run in Canberra will improve your sleep from the first night and you will sleep significantly better for the whole week.  They work progressively around the body, enlivening each muscle group and then showing it how to relax. No miracles here, but by the time we stretched your whole body you will be entirely relaxed and that will improve your night sleep!

    Mindfulness StretchingTM is a practice that allows people to achieve the alpha/theta brain-wave state.  This is the calm, recuperating, self-healing brain-wave state that turns off cortisol and builds psychological resilience.

    Mindfulness StretchingTM avoids some of the difficulties that anxious people with racing minds strike with meditation and mindfulness.  These practices do not require you to “clear your mind”, instead your attention is brought to physical sensations within the body.  The constant stream of simple instructions resolves the focus of your attention into the body with each breath.  There is no room for anxiety or “to do” lists as your attention is fully consumed with the movement within your body. This connection of the mind and body delivers the alpha-theta outcomes, AND substantially improves sleep.

    You will sleep better when both the psyche and body are at ease.

    We run regular face to face stretching sleep aid classes in Canberra and online classes by demand. Contact us to get dates for next sleep clinic Canberra workshop or book your next class today.

    Sleep well. Be well.


    David Heap


    Sleep clinic Canberra classes








    Yoga Classes in Canberra or Mindfulness Stretching?

    Yoga Classes in Canberra or Mindfulness Stretching?

    #yoga classes in Canberra

    Have you been looking for yoga classes in Canberra? We would like to offer you an alternative that will help you to care for your body and mind – mindfulness stretching!

    Mindfulness StretchingTM works away chronic aches and tightness with a gentle easing stretch, thoroughly relaxing the body into the meditative alpha/theta brain-state. After a session of Mindfulness StretchingTM, the full body relaxation positively interacts with and reinforces the calm of the alpha/theta meditative state of mind.

    The practice builds on some of the fundamental principles of traditional practices and therapies such as meditation, yoga and stretch therapy and integrates this with insights and principles from contemporary neuroscience. It will offer you a great care mix for both your body and mind.

    Alpha/theta brain-state patterns are the means by which many practices achieve their beneficial results.  Meditation, yoga and mindfulness all strive to deliver the ‘zen’ outcomes of alpha/theta brain-state patterns. Mindfulness StretchingTM is particularly effective in delivering these outcomes, as it makes mindfulness an exercise in physical sensation rather than one of mental attention.

    It is particularly effective for anxious or hyper-vigilant people who find it difficult to calm or quiet their mind.  The techniques focus a person’s attention on specific areas of the body, acting as a form of whole-body mindfulness. The mind is fully engaged in the movements and the sensations of the body, preventing the intrusion of outside thoughts and a wandering mind.

    Significant mind-body connection is achieved through body work practices that focus the participant’s attention to the breath and to sensational stretching. 

    So, if you were looking for yoga classes in Canberra, book your first mindfulness stretching class today. You will never look back!



    Yoga classes in Canberra Yoga classes in Canberra