What makes Mindfulness StretchingTM special is that it is built on the core practice of stretching without exertion, making it inherently safe for every type of body. No matter what your body shape, strength or flexibility level, Mindfulness StretchingTM works with your natural capacity for gentle movement and your own body’s instinct for its limits.

Guided by David, you stretch your body as far as it can comfortably reach without pain. Step by gentle step, tension, stress and worries are soothed away, along with chronic aches and pains, muscle tension and tightness.

It is low-impact, enjoyable and gentle. It is proven as an effective activity for managing anxiety and chronic aches and pains.

Mindfulness Stretching combines ancient traditional principles of meditation, mindfulness and strengthening practices such as yoga with the neuroscience behind the brain’s response to relaxation to deliver holistic health and wellbeing impact.

It is a practice that encourages relaxation, strength, resilience and wellbeing in a gentle and accumulative way. Practitioners find it instils mental and emotional calm and a sense of inner quietness.

It is also demonstrated to reduce chronic aches and pain. Practitioners report a reduction in the need for physiotherapy and other more interventionist treatment options. The physical relaxation of the body brought about by the progressive stretching techniques reduces chronic aches and pains and removes the physical manifestation of chronic stress.

This practice is designed for people of all levels of fitness and flexibility.

Relaxation Stretching practices are very safe. By their nature, they have an inbuilt internal safety mechanism. When a muscle does not feel intrinsically safe it is not likely to relax and extend, so the body’s apprehension reflex prevents extension and the breath is often held. The body will not naturally relax into an injury making the practice intrinsically protective.

As well, most relaxation stretches involve only a small distance of extension (1-2mm).  The Guided Breath Practices bring participants to the edge of the range of motion before the contract/relax process is initiated. This small extension brings the most benefit whilst minimising the risk of injury to the participant.

#stretching classes