Mindfulness Stretching combines somatic awareness and deliberate breathing in a way which dramatically calms the vagus nerve, the parasympathetic nervous system and the electrical frequency of the brain.  Some of this can be clearly shown with Heart Rate Variability measurements.

One of the foundation benefits of the practice is the toning of the vagus nerve, the body’s main internal monitoring system. This is the mechanism by which the brain monitors the arousal state of the body.  When it is aroused it reports higher levels of stress to the brain.  By calming this monitoring system we reduce the baseline stress arousal state of the body.

Heart Rate Variability is a very accurate metric of the stress state of the body that is easy to measure with some fitness chest straps and an app on your phone.

The practice increases the intensity of sensation on the tightening inhaling breath by deliberately activating the target muscle. Increasing the tension differentials between the inhaling breath and exhaling breath emulates the goal of increasing Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and calms the state of the vagus nerve – the significant nerve that transmits messages between the major body organs and the brain.

With the vagus nerve calmed, the body is better prepared to cope with stressful events. The practice builds resilience and the participant’s ability to remain calm, absorb stress, and minimise the likelihood of an inappropriate impulsive outburst or action.