Beat sleeplessness with Mindfulness Stretching

In this blog post we will talk about sleeplessness and how Mindfulness Stretching classes can help you to get that extra deep sleep AND feel rested and energetic in the morning. 

When the body’s stress system is over active sleep is harder to get and is less rewarding. The Sympathetic Nervous System (Fight / Flight / Freeze) can become dominant and when it does – our sleep suffers.  

Calming the body brings the Sympathetic Nervous System back into balance with the Parasympathetic Nervous System (Rest / Digest / Procreate).

Bring calm to your body and mind (highlight)

Mindfulness Stretching is highly effective in bringing relaxation and calm to the physical body, it brings improved sleep and calm to your life.

Sleeplessness and Insomnia are corelated with high cortisol levels. However, cortisol can be eliminated (almost) instantly from the body – at the same rate that adrenalin floods the body. How? By practising Mindfulness Stretching! 

Mindfulness Stretching brings a profound relaxation that immediately turns off cortisol. The shift from Fight / Flight to homeostasis takes the body and mind out of the anxious state and sleep can more easily follow.

By treating the physicality of stress we can reduce anxiety, reduce cortisol and improve sleep.

Much has been written about how stress, anxiety and trauma is held in the physical body. Mindfulness Stretching practices directly and immediately reduce physical stress held in the body which reduces mental anxiety, cortisol and improves sleep.

Feeling Tired and Wired? (Highlight)

Mindfulness Stretching will help you release the physical anxiety in your body and sleep well. 

Get your free trial class here ….. or book now ….