
Sciatica relief without drugs

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Money back guarantee:  if these stretches dont improve your sciatica I’ll give you your money back (less transaction fees)(30 days to claim).
There are 6 different shapes that all release the piriformis muscle (in your buttock).  Take your time and try them all to see which one works best for you. There are a multitude of fine tuning refinements, you dont need to do them all to bet the benefit of the stretch.
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MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: if this doesn’t solve your sciatica I’ll refund your money (less transaction fees).

A variety of piriformis stretches that will release potential impingement of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle.
The difference between this follow-along video and all the youtube clips is the multitude of refining cues provided.  Each shape has 20+ incremental adjustments that make the practice amazingly effective.

Beware: do not go to a place that feels wrong in your body. Dramatically reduce the chance of injury by respecting the limitations of your body to release as best you can with the exhaling breath.

All these stretches work on the same area of the body, the piriformis, which is a big muscle in the buttock.  Not every shape works for every body so I’m using my 20yrs+ experience to help you find the best stretch that will work for you on any particular day.

These are many fine tuning cues that will help you get the stretch into the right spot every time.  Do not worry if you cant do all the cues, some of them may make more sense at another time.

The practice of Mindfulness Stretching is a somatic stretching practice that has you bring your attention within your body.  I want you to really feel the stretch in your body.  I will be guiding you to tighten the piriformis on the inhaling breath, and soften into the shape as you exhale.  The practice will have you feel the body yielding into the sensation with your exhaling breath.

I recommend you start with the side where you get the worst sciatica and then do the other side before returning to do the first side again.  Play around with it.  Find out which one works best for you.

Let me know how you go.

Regards David



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