Mindfulness Stretching- 10 Weekly Videos




A ten week video series (10*60min videos) of Mindfulness Stretching to get you out of your head and into your body.
The videos will be available for viewing as many times as you like until December 31, 2024.
Fantastic for solving Sciatica, Frozen Shoulder, Anxiety, RSI, low back pain, scoliosis tension pain. Mindfulness Stretching is an immersive somatic practice where you are completely distracted from your thoughts and worries by gentle sensations created within your body.
The Relaxation Stretching focus works around your body delivering a whole body relaxation, it calms your nervous system and eases tension held by the vagus nerve.  The relaxation benefits last for days.
The practice enhances the parasympathetic nervous system and therefore eases the state of the vagus nerve.  The enhanced state of the vagus nerve can be shown using Heart Rate Variability measurements.




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