Sensational Stretching

Sensational Stretching

Mindfulness StretchingTM practices bring the sensation of gentle stretching to the body and we take the attention of the mind toward these stretching sensations. These are not unpleasant sensations. There is subtle ebb and flow movement in the sensation that comes with each breath.  The mind can lock its focus on this subtle cyclic movement, this results in a profound Mindfulness state.

The poses are deliberately designed to be targeted and specific, without being uncomfortable or painful. It is essential, in fact, that the sensation is not painful as pain prevents the relaxation extension process. There are active and passive elements of the practices that contribute to building our focus on the sensation. Active elements increase the tension and sensation,  passive elements have the body yielding (relaxing) into the shape.

Poses are adopted and maintained for 30-90 seconds whilst the mind is guided to focus on the ebb and flow of sensation in the target area. The deliberate stimulation of gentle sensation and the close mental focus on the sensation creates a strong link between the mind and body. The mind’s close attention to the relaxation of the target area profoundly relaxes and quietens the mind.

If you are after yoga classes for beginners try our mindfulness stretching classes to receive the full benefit from a gentle stretching exercise and learning how to switch off your stress response. We run classes around Canberra and online. Please check our class options. 

#stretching & yoga classes near me for beginners

We have been attending Calm Being’s stretching classes for a number of years. We really enjoy how he takes the time to ensure that everyone is included in the stretches and gets the best possible outcome. We have noticed that our bodies are not as tired and sore anymore. Highly recommended!

John Guilfoyle

Relaxation Stretching

Relaxation Stretching

Relaxation Stretching Classes in Canberra.

Relaxation Stretching

With relaxation stretching, the physical body is stretched, not as an act of exertion, but as a relaxation extension. The practice harnesses the body’s natural pattern of extending on the exhaling breath.

Across the body, muscles are continuously and automatically tightening and relaxing in concert with the breath cycle. Relaxation Stretching harnesses this relaxation pattern enhancing the targeted muscle’s extension on the exhaling breath.

Additional muscular extension is achieved after employing the active Guided Breath and passive relaxation stretching by initiating a deliberate contraction and relaxation of the target area.  This deliberate contraction facilitates further extension on the subsequent exhaling breath.

Mindfulness Stretching

Mindfulness StretchingTM often follows a Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) contract/relax sequences in the following pattern:

  • contract for five seconds
  • stop contracting and breath in
  • extend on the exhaling breath.

Contractions are generally performed such that the affected part of the body does not move notwithstanding the effort applied.  A static contraction is achieved by bracing the affected body part to prevent movement resulting from the contracting muscle. Bracing can be achieved using a wall, the floor, gravity, another part of the body or a partner. The contraction brings blood flow and mental attention to the target area and predisposes the area to relaxation on the next exhaling breath.


Contract/Relax stretching is particularly effective in the extension of muscles that are at their usual edge of range of motion.  The preceding activation facilitates an increase in a muscle’s range of motion. The extension of range, using the relaxation extension method often brings significant pain relief to sedentary bodies.

PNF Stretches are fantastically effective for relieving tension in a muscle and to enhance the range of a muscle. They are often used by physiotherapists and other Allied Health professionals.

If you are thinking of trying a yoga class or a stretching class in Canberra, try our Mindfulness stretching classes that we run across Canberra and online. Register here. 


CalmBeing Blog

Don’t forget to visit our Blog where we share useful knowledge and mindfulness stretching tips that will help you to care for your your body and mind. Learn more HERE.