Relaxation Stretching

Relaxation Stretching

Mindfulness Stretching is not an athletic style stretch.  With relaxation stretching, the physical body is stretched, not as an act of exertion, but as a relaxation extension. The practice harnesses the body’s natural pattern of extending on the exhaling breath.

Mindfulness Stretching is a somatic breathwork practice where we move into a shape (pose) that activates sensation in a specific area. Your instructor guides your attention to the movement of these sensations across the body in synchronisation with the breath cycle—tightening during the sympathetic phase and softening during the parasympathetic phase.

We enhance the difference between tightening and loosening with gentle contractions. This gives us a fantastic whole-body progressive relaxation.

If you are thinking of trying a yoga class or a stretching class in Canberra, try our Mindfulness stretching classes that we run across Canberra and online. Register here.