Guided Breathing and Meditation

#guided breathing and meditation Canberra

If you are looking for meditation classes in Canberra, try our mindfulness stretching classes that combine the benefits of guided breathing, physical movement and meditation.  

Guided breathing is a foundational component of Mindfulness Stretching.  The breath practices initiate a relaxation sequence, bringing the mind’s attention to the ebb and flow of tension across the body with the breath cycle. On each exhalation, the participant engages with the sensation of relaxation that accompanies the exhaling breath. This initiates an incremental relaxation and meditative state. If you are looking for meditation classes in Canberra, try our mindfulness stretching classes that combine the benefits of guided breathing, physical movement and meditation.  

The dynamism of the breath’s movement within the body heightens the mind-body connection.  Observing the internal, usually imperceptible effects of one’s own breath across the body powerfully develops the transition into the alpha/theta brain-state.

The guided breathing practices progressively improve the strength and form of a pose over several consecutive breaths and provide the coordination of mind and body.  This incremental improvement in ‘form’ increases the efficacy of the practice, and aches and chronic pains are smoothed away.

During our classes the active engagement of the body is achieved with instructions including ‘lift the chest as you inhale’, ‘draw you belly button in as you exhale’ and ‘tuck your tail as you exhale’.

These actions both refine the physical shape of a pose and enhance the mind-body connection. These cues engage the abdomen to affect and improve the tilt of the pelvis and the curve of the lumbar spine. Such minor changes to the form result in either a ‘tightening’ immediately preceding exhalation, or an enhancement of the relaxation on exhalation.

Stretching and meditation Canberra classes

#meditation Canberra