#yoga classes in Canberra

Have you been looking for yoga classes in Canberra? We would like to offer you an alternative that will help you to care for your body and mind – mindfulness stretching!

Mindfulness StretchingTM works away chronic aches and tightness with a gentle easing stretch, thoroughly relaxing the body into the meditative alpha/theta brain-state. After a session of Mindfulness StretchingTM, the full body relaxation positively interacts with and reinforces the calm of the alpha/theta meditative state of mind.

The practice builds on some of the fundamental principles of traditional practices and therapies such as meditation, yoga and stretch therapy and integrates this with insights and principles from contemporary neuroscience. It will offer you a great care mix for both your body and mind.

Alpha/theta brain-state patterns are the means by which many practices achieve their beneficial results.  Meditation, yoga and mindfulness all strive to deliver the ‘zen’ outcomes of alpha/theta brain-state patterns. Mindfulness StretchingTM is particularly effective in delivering these outcomes, as it makes mindfulness an exercise in physical sensation rather than one of mental attention.

It is particularly effective for anxious or hyper-vigilant people who find it difficult to calm or quiet their mind.  The techniques focus a person’s attention on specific areas of the body, acting as a form of whole-body mindfulness. The mind is fully engaged in the movements and the sensations of the body, preventing the intrusion of outside thoughts and a wandering mind.

Significant mind-body connection is achieved through body work practices that focus the participant’s attention to the breath and to sensational stretching. 

So, if you were looking for yoga classes in Canberra, book your first mindfulness stretching class today. You will never look back!



Yoga classes in Canberra Yoga classes in Canberra