Corporate Mindfulness Program | CalmBeing

by | Aug 18, 2021

Corporate mindfulness stretching program by CalmBeing will help your employees to manage stress and anxiety, reduce pain, prevent burnout and reconnect with their physical strength and resilience.

Reducing Burnout with Corporate Mindfulness Stretching Classes.

High achieving employees are the most likely to suffer burnout as they throw themselves into their work the hardest and the longest. Over achievers deliver for others first, often not looking after themselves and making themselves vulnerable to burnout.  Providing a highly effective and engaging workplace activity, like our stretching classes, down-ramps stress and improves productivity.

Benefits of Our Corporate Mindfulness Stretching.

  • Reduced Baseline Stress – a weekly 60min investment will improve your employees’ resilience and reduce burnout.
  • Strengthen Mind/Body Connection – our classes draw a strong link between the mind and the body giving every participant a mental break from the plethora of competing demands we all endure.
  • Productivity and focus – we will help your staff members to improve concentration and focus at work.
  • Sleep – a well stretched body sleeps and restores better. Our classes have shown to substantially improve sleep and energy levels.

Where to begin?

CalmBeing can deliver weekly corporate stretching sessions in Canberra for up to 25 participants at your workplace or remotely.  The space needs to be free of furniture, about 3-4mfor each participant. We have delivered over 25,000 student hours since 2008 with no claims made against our professional indemnity (or any other) insurance.  Contact us for more information.

Why Mindfulness Stretching?

Mindfulness Stretching is a mature system that delivers high quality outcomes from the first session.  Using Somatic experience techniques, participants fully engage with the calming outcomes delivered by the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS). The PNS is our body’s rest and digest state which can be supported, promoted and nurtured.

Our Mindfulness Stretching corporate classes are tailored to promote the PNS to achieve a whole-body calm in the context of a powerful mind/body connection experience.  The brain experiences the relaxation of the muscles as the practice works around the body delivering significant relaxation for the brain.

This is “full mind” mindfulness with the participant’s attention keenly focused on sensations within the body.  This makes the practices highly effective for the hyper vigilant and anxious.  Further, participants rarely experience feelings of inadequacy or shame for not being able to complete the practices as their focus is entirely devoted to their physical experience.

Mindfulness Stretching practices provide an opportunity for a powerful, uncontrived team building experience.  Everyone from senior managers to new recruits are experiencing the same challenges, all experience the internal sensation of their body, all are equal in the practice.

Our Mindfulness Stretching classes help to reverse many of the ill-effects of modern sedentary life-patterns. A good stretch helps to wind-back the effects of years of desk work and just feels awesome. Mindfulness stretching is a life-enhancing experience that works exceptionally well in a corporate world. Contact CalmBeing for a program tailored especially for your organisation.

 Windows of Availability

David Heap is available to deliver Mindfulness Stretching in your office on Monday, Tuesday, Wednseday, Friday afternoons.